Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Cordoba House, Abridged Version

I had meant for my first post to be about the Cordoba House, and the reasons why I support it. However, I've been talking about it all day on Facebook. So, instead of typing out a whole new article now, I'm just going to repost all the comments I made on Facebook today here. Please note that this is not all I've written regarding the Cordoba House or Initiative. For weeks I've been arguing back and forth about it in both person and on Facebook. One woman, twenty years older than me, actually told me to drop dead due to my beliefs on the subject. That's all a story for another time, however. For now, here are the posts I made today regarding The Cordoba House (or, as it's known to those being misled by the public, the "Ground Zero Mosque").

POST # 1: The Throw Away Comment That Started the Rant

"This Cordoba thing is getting out of hand. Half of every news program seems to be devoted to it. The law is on Rauf's side.
Also, Pamela Geller really pissed me off, and so does her Stop Islamization of America group. I want to stop the Christianization of America, but I'm not attacking people's freedoms over it."

POST # 2: In Which I Get Really Pissed Off At My Fellow American's Seeming Hatred for Islam

"If the Cordoba House is not built, then anyone will be able to target religious buildings, groups, or people on any basis. Right now it's a community center with a mosque inside. In two years it could be people telling Jewish people that they're not allowed to wear yamakas, and then in ten years it can be people telling me it's illegal to be an atheist. This isn't just a discussion regarding the location of a mosque near Ground Zero. It's a discussion regarding religion and the freedom of and for religion in the United States of America, and people against the CordobaHouse and Initiative are fighting against the very thing that makes this country what it is. There are bigger things at stake."

POST # 3: A Statement Somewhat Related to the Other Posts

"Thank God this country isn't a direct democracy."

POST # 4: I'm Running Out of Arrogant Titles to Give These Things

"From Sarah Palin's twitter, regarding the Cordoba House (yes, she has a twitter, and supposedly plans to run for president in 2012. The day Palin is president is the day I move to Denmark): "We all know they have the right to do it, but should they?" NO DUH! You just said it? How can politicians say people have the right to do things and then say, "Nah, screw that, I don't want you to."?"


"I love how there are so many Republicans who want to punish the people at the Cordoba Initiative for OBEYING THE LAW!"

POST # 6: In Which I Pissed a Lot of People Off

"If the Cordoba House is not built, the terrorists who attacked America, and who continue to plan harm for this country will have triumphed, for they will have instilled such fear in the American public that they will have caused us to ostracize other Americans. Why target each other when there are so many enemies deserving of our fury?"

That's pretty much it. I'm not sure if I said it in one of the posts above, as I just skimmed them while transferring to this blog, but the Cordoba House is not a mosque at all, but a community center with a mosque inside. You wouldn't call a prison with a chapel inside a church, would you? So why is the media telling everyone that the Cordoba House is a mosque? Probably because by the time they got the facts straight, it was too late for them to report otherwise. Or perhaps they're doing it to incite debate, which gives them more to report about. Or maybe you've just been watching FOX news. Or all of the above. Either way, that's all I have to say about the Cordoba House tonight, kiddies.

On a sidenote, I may post another blog tonight, as this thing only took me a short while to throw together, as most of it was written beforehand. If so, it will probably not involve politics. I just saw the movie Cirque du Freak. Maybe I'll write a review on it. I'm not really sure what I want to use this blog for. Time will tell.

Note: I've placed this into the Politics category.  It was the best category I could think to put it in, not only because this topic has caused so much debate amongst politicians, but because of the origin of the word politics.

Second Note: I apologize for the varying fonts, sizes, and boldness of the text.  I still haven't gotten the hang of writing on this site.  Hopefully I'll be able to work it out next time.

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